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Epidote Celtic Faceted Pendulum


EPIDOTE Pendulum  Pendulums are used to find the answers of yes and no questions. You ask your higher self so that you get the truth and not what your heart wants. Hold the pendulum in the opposite hand to the one you write with. Ask your higher self to show you a YES, stop.  Show me a NO, stop.
Pendulums can vary in shape from photo, but are all true crystal.

Appearance: Quartz like.

Colour: yellowish green to green.

Properties: Increases personal power, enhances the energy of what it touches. Brings spiritual growth, helps release negativity, raising vibrational energy. Helps with depression and negative thinking patterns. Increases perception and chance of interaction with spiritual beings. Calms, grounds, and connects with nature. Attracts abundance, prosperity, and creativity. Aids the immune system and physical recover. Helps clear energy blockages in the physical and subtle bodies. Balancing and stabilizing energy flow.

Position: Place as appropriate.

Photo and size are a sample


Disclosure-If you’re worried about your health always see your doctor first. There are no guarantees with crystals, but they may enhance your life.